Xinyu Wu

How to Cultivate a Long-Term Relationship: Spend Quality Time Together

The secret to cultivating a long-term intimate relationship lies in intentionally spending quality time together.

Life is busy. We are all preoccupied with our work, logistics, chores, catching up with news. Merely being together is not enough because time together doesn’t necessarily convert to deep connection with our partner, or the feeling of intimacy, or rediscover life’s meaning. We must actively seeking moments of quality time together. Can’t find time? It’s simple: make time and prioritize it. There is always time. Focus your time on the most important person in your life and you will never regret it.

Here are some guidelines for how to spend quality time together:

  1. Disconnect from the digital world by turn off your phone, screens, or any streaming services.
  2. Choose a calm and intimate space where you can focus solely on each other, whether it’s at home, in a quite park, or during a peaceful walk in nature.
  3. Approach this time together with mindfulness and a shared sense of purpose. It only works if both sides actively engage.

Consider discussing the following topics:

  1. How are you both feeling lately? What’s on your mind? As relationships progress, staying connected to our partner’s evolving feelings and perspectives requires ongoing dialogue. It takes a life time to learn someone because people grow.
  2. Reflect on the recent highs and lows of your lives, contemplating both the successes and challenges you are encountering.
  3. Express your needs and desires, even if it’s uncomfortable. Remember that having needs is an intrinsic aspect of being human. No one can judge you for your needs.
  4. Offer genuine compliments and appreciations. It could be something as small as preparing coffee for you this morning. Every act of goodwill counts.

While it’s tempting to discuss others or the logistics of daily life, reserve these precious moments for conversations that deepen your bond and emotional intimacy. By consciously engaging in quality time together, you’ll continually rediscover one another, strengthen your connection, and experience the richness of life beyond the mundane.

Do it even though you feel you don’t have time. Do it even though you feel awkward at the beginning. Do it until you feel it’s the most important thing in your life.
